Selasa, 13 Januari 2015



 % Author: Spike
% Date:   25/3/1999
function y=mult(varargin)
if nargin>0
  for index=2:nargin
>> mult(5,6,7,8)
ans =
>> mult([1 2],[3 4],[5 6])
ans =
    15    48
25.16     Sub-functions
• A function existing in its own M-file is visible to all other functions
-              can be called by any function (or from main command window)
• At times this global visibility is not desirable:
-              some functions are very specific to a particular task and should not be used for anything else
• Matlab allows hiding of functions by placing multiple functions, all in the same file:
-              the first function is globally visible (can be called by anyone)
-              the 2nd and subsequent functions in the same file can only be called by those functions in that file
• For example the temperature example from the previous lecture might be better with only the main program dailyTemps visible
-              change dailyTemps from a script file to a function
-              place all the other functions (TempTable etc.) in the dailyTemps.m file after the dailyTemps function
25.17     Review
• Formal vs. actual parameters and returned values
• Pass by value vs. pass by reference
• Function workspaces & scope rules
• Run-time structure & the stack
• Return, error & warning
• Variable numbers of parameters & returned values
• Global variables
• Efficiency issues
• Sub-functions
• Matlab is a rich environment that has continued to evolve (and grow!) across its lifetime
• This course has concentrated on Matlab as an introductory programming environment for engineers
• Therefore there are many aspects and facets of Matlab that have not been covered during the course
• Today’s lecture briefly highlights a number of Matlab’s major features that have not been covered in the course
-              fair emphasis on graphics capabilities
               For Engineers (Ch. 1, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11)          
                              Mastering (Ch. 12, 18-20, 22-27, 30, 32-33)
                              Student (Ch. 14-22)
26.1       Motivation
• Matlab is an extremely rich programming language and environment
- many features that could not be adequately covered in such a short course
• Data visualisation is a vital tool of scientists and engineers
- graphical 2D and 3D representation of data
- Matlab incorporates many graphical routines
• Matlab incorporates many in-built functions of high utility to scientists and engineers
- built-in knowledge of problem domains which can be employed with little preparation
- students are likely to employ these additional features of Matlab in future courses and in their careers.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. Format bimbingannya tugas-tugas yang bisa membantu Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI
Bimbingan dilakukan secara online bisa lewat WA atau email
Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

26.2       2D Graphics –plot
• Most commonly used and versatile function for plotting 2D data is plot()
• plot() has many variants, common forms of usage are:
• Basic form is a line plot connecting values in 2D space.

EDU» x=-2*pi:0.1:2*pi;y=cos(x);z=sin(x);
EDU» plot(x,y,'ms-',x,z,'bp:');
EDU» xlabel('Angle (Radians)'); title('Sine vs. Cosine');

26.3       Axes & Labels
• A useful figure not only contains an image of the raw data but also meaningful labels for the axes, a title and other relevant data.
• Matlab incorporates a number of commands for labelling and modifying existing figures:
title():   Give the figure a title
xlabel():   Label the horizontal axis
ylabel():   Label the vertical axis
grid():   Draw grid-lines on graph
box():  Enclose (or remove enclosing) figure in a box
text():   Place text at the specified location on the figure
gtext():   Interactively (with mouse) place text
legend():   Create a legend box
axis():   Control over axis scaling, range, orientation, appearance, etc.
26.4       Printing Figures
• It is often useful to obtain a hard-copy of a figure or save it as a file for incorporation in other documents
-              for example this is how the figures in the lecture slides are done.
• The Matlab command that provides this functionality is print
-              print sends the currently active figure to the printer or saves it to a file
• print supports many different formats for images
-              different printer manufacturers have different graphics languages
-              the most widely supported (standard) is postscript (for stand-alone documents) and encapsulated postscript (for figures that will be included)
• For example:
print                      % Send the current figure to the
% default printer
print –deps plotex.eps % Save the current
                                                                             % figure to
                                                                             % a file called plotex.eps
                                                                             % & save as encapsulated
                                                                             % postscript
26.5       Multiple Figures & sub-plots
• It is possible in Matlab to create multiple independent figures, and within a figure to have multiple plots
• By default there is a single figure window
-              created the first time any type of plotting is done
-              over-written with each new plot (see hold on)
-              new figure windows may be created with the figure(n) where n is an integer value
• if figure n window already exists it becomes the active window
• all plots go to the currently active window
• Individual figure windows can be sub-divided into multiple plots with the subplot() command
-              subplot(m,n,p) splits the current figure into an m-by-n matrix of plots and makes the p'th plot the active one
-              numbering is row-major order
-              all plot, label etc. commands modify the p'th plot only
26.6       Other 2D plots
• While plot is the most commonly used 2D plot function there are a number of others available:
-              log scale
-              area
-              pie chart
-              error
-              bar
-              histogram
-              polar
-              stem
-              etc.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. Format bimbingannya tugas-tugas yang bisa membantu Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI
Bimbingan dilakukan secara online bisa lewat WA atau email
Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

• The following script illustrates a number of the different plot functions for a single matrix of data:
-              speaker and word recognition error rates for 16 people speaking the TI Digits database.
26.7       Multiple Plots Example
% multiPlot.m
%            An example of the different styles of 2D
%            plots and using multiple plots in a single
%            figure.
%            Employs the datafile /home/student/CS1E/speech.dat
%            which contains speaker (1st column) and word
%            (2nd column) error rates for 16 speakers on
%            the TI Digits speech database.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. Format bimbingannya tugas-tugas yang bisa membantu Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI
Bimbingan dilakukan secara online bisa lewat WA atau email
Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

% Author: Spike
% Date:   29/3/1999
% Grab speech data and split into separate
% word & speaker error rate vectors.
load /home/student/CS1E/speech.dat
% First figure: plot, loglog, pie & pareto
xlabel('Speaker Recognition Error Rate (%)');
ylabel('Word Recognition Error Rate (%)');
title('Word vs Speaker Error Rate (by Speaker)');
grid on;
xlabel('Speaker Recognition Error Rate (%)');
ylabel('Word Recognition Error Rate (%)');
title('Log Scale speaker vs Word Error');
grid off;

Multiple Plots (Cont)
% Sort both speaker and word error rates
% (speakers) on the basis of ascending speaker
% recognition error rate.
[speakerS index]=sort(speaker);
title('Sorted Pie Chart of Speaker Recognition Error');
xlabel('Index of Original Order');
title('Pareto Plot');
% 2nd figure: bar, bar3, stairs & hist
title('Bar plot of Speaker & Word Error');
xlabel('Speaker Number');
ylabel('Error Rate (%)');
title('Bar3 plot of Word Error Rate');
xlabel('Speaker Number');
ylabel('Error Rate (%)');
title('Stairs Plot of Speaker Error');
xlabel('Word Error Rate');
ylabel('Count (of Speakers)');
title('Histogram of Word Error Rates');

Multiple Plots (Cont)
% 3rd fig: stem, errorbar, polar & rose
title('Stem plot of Speaker vs. Word Error');
xlabel('Speaker Error Rate');
ylabel('Word Error Rate');
title('Errorbar of Speaker with Word Error Variance');
title('Polar plot of Speaker vs. Word Error');
title('Rose plot of Word Error');
% 4th figure: matrixplot
title('Plotmatrix of speech data matrix');
26.8       2D Plots - Output

 2D Plots Output (Cont)

26.9       Adding text
• It is possible to place text on 2D & 3D plots with the text() function
• Syntax is:
Consider the following example:

26.10     3D Graphics – Line
• The 3D equivalent of the plot() function is plot3()
-              functionality extremely similar to that of plot()
• Consider the following example:
y=sin(theta);  z=cos(theta);
title(‘Plot of x.sin(x) vs. x.cos(x)’);

26.11     3D Graphics – Surface
• Matlab has a number of functions for visualising 3D surfaces:
-              the following example shows four of the more simple functions
% pittedDome.m
%            Generate a simple pitted dome
%            using 2 FOR loops and a random
%            function to do the pitting.
%            Used to show the surface plotting
%            features of Matlab.
% Author: Spike
% Date:   29/3/1999
for length=1:width
  for breadth=1:width
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. Format bimbingannya tugas-tugas yang bisa membantu Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI
Bimbingan dilakukan secara online bisa lewat WA atau email
Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

      (breadth-width/2)^2) + width*randn/3;
title('Surf plot');
title('Contour plot');
title('Pcolor plot');
shading interp;
26.12     3D Surfaces Example

26.13     Polynomials
• Polynomials are extremely important in many areas of science and engineering
• Matlab provides built-in support for their representation and manipulation
-              root finding
-              reconstruction
-              multiplication
-              derivative finding
-              fitting to data
>> quad=[2 0 -5 12 -73];
>> % y= 2x^4 -5x^2 + 12x -73
>> quadRoots = roots(quad)
quadRoots =
   0.2440 + 2.2262i
   0.2440 - 2.2262i
>> quadRebuilt=poly(quadRoots)
quadRebuilt =
 1.0000   -0.0000   -2.5000    6.0000  -36.5000
>> square=[1 3 -9];  %y=x^2+3x-9
>> sixth=conv(quad,square)
sixth =
     2     6   -23    -3     8  -327   657
>> % 2x^6 + 6x^5 -23x^4 -3x^3 +8x^2 -327x + 657
>> cubic=polyder(quad)    % Derivative
cubic =
     8     0   -10    12
Polynomials (Cont)
>> xvals=0:0.1:1;
>> yvals=2*xvals.*xvals-9*xvals+27;
>> yvals=yvals+randn(size(yvals));
>> fitted=polyfit(xvals,yvals,2)
fitted =
    5.4375  -11.7186   26.9350
>> xinterp=linspace(0,1,100);
>> yinterp=polyval(fitted,xinterp);
>> plot(xvals,yvals,'-o',xinterp,yinterp,'--');
>> xlabel('X values');
>> ylabel('Y values');
>> title('Binomial function with noise & fitted');

26.14     Interpolation & Splines
• Matlab includes functions for interpolating values between those of a pre-existing set
-              1D, 2D, & multi-dimensional interpolation
-              linear, cubic & cubic spline interpolation
• Functions interp1(), interp2(), interpn()
% interpEx.m
%            A simple example of 1D interpolation.
% Author: Spike
% date:   30/3/1999
% y=2x^2-5x+12
title('Interpolation Example');

Interpolation (Cont)

• Cubic spline functions also available separate to interp?() functions:
-              spline() function fits piecewise cubic splines between data pairs:
• can return polynomial co-efficients, function values etc.
26.15     Optimisation
• Matlab has a number of functions for optimising numeric functions:
-              finding their zeros
• generalises to finding where they meet any particular values
-              minimisation
+ finding function peaks and valleys
>> x=-40:0.1:40;
>> y=0.2*x.^4+6*x.^3-8*x.^2+7.2*x-10.1-x.^5/200;
>> plot(x,y); title('Optimisation Example');
>> minX=fmin('0.2*x.^4+6*x.^3-8*x.^2+7.2*x-10.1-x.^5/200',-30,0)
minX =
>> line([minX minX],[max(y) min(y)]);

26.16     Integration, Differentiation & Ordinary Differential Equations
• Matlab implements functions for the numeric solution of integration, differentiation, and ordinary differential equation problems
• Details of the functions and their appropriate usage is beyond the scope of this course
-              take a course on numerical analysis
• Functions include:
Integration:  quad(), quad8(), dblquad(), trapz(), cumtrapz()
Differentiation: ployfit(), polyder(), diff(), gradient(), del2()
ODEs: ode23(), ode45(), ode113(), ode23s(), ode15s(), odeset(), odeget(), odefile()
26.17     Data-structures
• Matlab provides limited support for more complex data-structures
-              quite limited and weak support compared to most general purpose 3rd generation programming languages
• Cell Array
-              An array, whose individual elements can be any type or size (including other cell arrays)
>> cellEx{1,1}=[1 2; 3 4];
>> cellEx{1,2}='1st row, 2nd column';
>> cellEx{2,1}=6.4-5.1i;
>> cellEx{2,2}=eye(3);
>> cellEx
cellEx =
    [2x2 double]    '1st row, 2nd column'
    [6.4000- 5.1000i]             [3x3 double]
>> celldisp(cellEx);
cellEx{1,1} =
     1     2
     3     4
cellEx{2,1} =
    6.4000 - 5.1000i
cellEx{1,2} =
    1st row, 2nd column
cellEx{2,2} =
     1     0     0
     0     1     0
     0     0     1

Data-Structures (Cont)
• Structures
-              A collection of (usually) disparate types of information, each with a name
>>'Sherman Tank';
>> unit.attack=20;
>> unit.armour=12;
>> unit(2).name='Alpha Squad';
>> unit(2).attack=14;
>> unit(2).armour=0;
>> unit(2).health=20;
>> unit
unit =
1x2 struct array with fields:
>> unit(1)
ans =
      name: 'Sherman Tank'
    attack: 20
    armour: 12
    health: 30
>> fieldnames(unit)
ans =
26.18     Object Oriented
• Recent versions of Matlab have supported object oriented programming:
-              classes
-              objects
-              methods
-              inheritance
-              aggregation
• Unfortunately the hybrid design of procedural syntax with tacked-on objects leads to a number of difficulties
-              method invocation (precedence rules rather than explicit user indication of object that invokes)
-              requirement to explicitly list other classes in constructor’s superiorto(), inferiorto() calls  means forward compatibility with new classes is an on-going problem
26.19     GUI Design
• Matlab provides sophisticated tools for building GUIs
-              for instance the Matlab demos which were constructed with Matlab’s GUI functions
• GUI – Graphical User Interface
• Provides support for:
-              menus
-              text boxes
-              buttons
-              sliders
-              figures
-              typefaces
-              pointer & mouse events
-              dialog boxes
• Also has a built-in set of constructor tools to allow the user to visually design the GUI
26.20     Toolboxes
• Matlab’s functionality may be expanded modularly with the addition of toolboxes
• Toolboxes are a suite of functions related to a specific problem area
-              signal processing
-              image processing
-              neural networks
-              communications
-              fuzzy logic
-              wavelets
-              optimisation
-              splines
-              etc.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. Format bimbingannya tugas-tugas yang bisa membantu Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI
Bimbingan dilakukan secara online bisa lewat WA atau email
Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

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