Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI 081219449060

Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. Format bimbingannya tugas-tugas yang bisa membantu Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI
Bimbingan dilakukan secara online bisa lewat WA atau email
 Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:
1             STARTING MATLAB
When you start MatLab, several windows open. The command window, where you type commands, is the important one. After you start MatLab, you should navigate to a folder you want to work in (your working directory).

Using Windows Explorer, create a folder on your X drive called “MatLab Tutorial”.
Change to x:\MatLab Tutorial :
-» cd(‘x:\MatLab Tutorial’)
Note the single quotes. In MatLab, a character string is enclosed in single quotes.
If you are unsure of your working directory :
-» pwd
ans =
X:\MatLab Tutorial
2             GETTING HELP
MatLab has two main sources of help. You can view the software manuals using the help menu. These are full electronic copies of the manuals for MatLab and all installed toolboxes. This is a good place to start to get an overview of a particular topic. The other form of help is the help command which is best when you know the name of the MatLab command (or function) but can’t remember exactly how it works. Typing help by itself gives a list of all the help topics. You can then get help on any of these topics by typing help topicName, e.g. to get help on the if statement :
-» help if
 IF IF statement condition.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb.  Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:
    The general form of the IF statement is

       IF expression
       ELSEIF expression

    The statements are executed if the real part of the expression
    has all non-zero elements. The ELSE and ELSEIF parts are optional.
    Zero or more ELSEIF parts can be used as well as nested IF's.
    The expression is usually of the form expr rop expr where
    rop is ==, <, >, <=, >=, or ~=.

       if I == J
         A(I,J) = 2;
       elseif abs(I-J) == 1
         A(I,J) = -1;
         A(I,J) = 0;


Note how it also gives you a list of related commands (and/or functions) … “See also”
Suppose we want to create the matrix
method 1 (use a new line (i.e. a <CR> at end of each row)
» X = [11 12 13 14
21 22 23 24
31 32 33 34]
X =
    11    12    13    14
    21    22    23    24
    31    32    33    34
method 2 (separate each row with a semi-colon)
» X = [11 12 13 14; 21 22 23 24; 31 32 33 34]
X =
    11    12    13    14
    21    22    23    24
    31    32    33    34
When creating a vector, we can form a row vector :
-» a = [-1 2 -3 4]
a =
    -1     2    -3     4
or a column vector :
-» b = [-1; 2; -3; 4]
b =
Whenever you type a command, you can suppress MatLab displaying the result of the command by terminating the command with a semicolon :
-» b = [-1; 2; -3; 4];
b is formed in the same way, but the result is not displayed because of the semicolon at the end of the line.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. 
Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

When you work in MatLab, the variables (scalars, vectors or matrices) you create, either directly or as a result of a calculation are stored in the workspace. To display a list of the workspace variables :
-» whos
  Name      Size         Bytes  Class
  X         3x4             96  double array
  a         1x4             32  double array
  b         4x1             32  double array
Grand total is 20 elements using 160 bytes
So, we have 3 variables, X which has 3 rows and 4 columns, a which has 1 row and 4 columns (a row vector) and b which has 4 rows and 1 column (a column vector).
To display any workspace variable, just type its name (without terminating semicolon!) :
-» a
a =
    -1     2    -3     4
3.1         Elements of a matrix
Suppose we want to extract from the matrix X the element on the 2nd row and 3rd column and assign it to a new variable z :
-» z = X(2,3)
z =
So, in general to refer to the element on the ith row and jth column of a matrix X, we use X(i,j). To refer to all of the ith row, we use X(i,:), or all of the jth column is X(:,j) :
-» r1 = X(1,:)
r1 =
    11    12    13    14
» c2 = X(:,2)
c2 =
We can use the X(i,j) notation to refer to ANY sub matrix of X because i and j can be vectors :
-» X1 = X(:,[1 3 4])
X1 =
    11    13    14
    21    23    24
    31    33    34
This assigns to X1 all (: by itself means all) rows of X and columns 1, 2 and 4.
» X2 = X([2 3],:)
X2 =
    21    22    23    24
    31    32    33    34
(rows 2 and 3, all columns)
» X3 = X([2 3],[2 3])
X3 =
    22    23
    32    33
(rows 2 and 3, columns 2 and 3)
We can extend the colon notation to specify a sequence, e.g. create a vector v which STARTs at 1, with INCREMENTs of 2 and STOPs at 10 :
-» v = 1:2:10
v =
     1     3     5     7     9
If you omit the INCREMENT, it defaults to 1 :
-» v = 1:10
v =
     1     2     3     4     5     6     7     8     9    10
We can use this vector notation when referring to a sub matrix :
-» x4 = X(1:2:3, 2:4)
x4 =
    12    13    14
    32    33    34
(rows 1 and 3 (i.e. start at 1, increment by 2, stop at 3), columns 2,3,4 (i.e. start at 1, stop at 3 – default increment of 1 is used).
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb.
Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

Type whos now to display the different variables.
»save fileName saves ALL workspace variables to fileName.mat
»save fileName X1 saves the variable X1 to fileName.mat
»save fileName X1 X2 X3 saves the variables X1 X2 and X3 to fileName.mat
NB. If you use the same filename, the contents of the previous file will be overwritten without warning.
The save command uses a special file format. If you want to save your variables in ASCII format (e.g. to subsequently import the data into Excel) :
-»save fileName X1 –ASCII – DOUBLE – TABS saves the variable X1 to fileName.mat in ASCII format as double  precision numbers with tab spacing. type help save for other options).
To load a previously saved file :
-»load fileName
Sometimes you want to delete some of the variables in the workspace :
-clear clears ALL workspace variables
clear x1 x2 clears variables x1 and x2 from the workspace.

Exercise 1
1) Clear all variables from your workspace.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB  ONLINE- HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. 
 Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:
2) Create a matrix 
Can you spot how you can form this matrix without manually typing each element ? Hint [1.1:0.1:1.6] gives the first row.
3) What size is this matrix?  Confirm the size using whos. To find the size of a variable, you can use the size command. Type s = size(h)
4) Form the following submatricies :
5) Confirm the size of your workspace variables using whos.
6) Save h h5 and h6 to a file called submatrix1
7) clear all variables from your workspace
8) load the file submatrix1
9) Confirm the size of your workspace variables using whos.
Two useful MatLab functions for creating matrices are zeros (form matrix of zeros) and ones (form matrix of ones) :
-» a = zeros(2,4)
a =
     0     0     0     0
     0     0     0     0
» b = ones(2,3)
b =
     1     1     1
     1     1     1
Can we add a and b ? No! To add two matrices, they must have the same size and MatLab will tell you so if you try to add them :-
» c = a+b
??? Error using ==> +
Matrix dimensions must agree.

Provided, the dimensions of the matrices are compatible, matrix algebra is easy in MatLab. Let’s illustrate through an exercise.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. 
Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

Exercise 2.
1.            Clear your workspace
2.            Create a matrix of ones, called a, with 7 rows and 3 columns.
3.            Multiply a by 2 to create a matrix of twos, called b, with 7 rows and 3 columns.
4.            Form the sum c = a + b
5.            Form the sum d = a - b
6.            Form the product e = a * b. What’s wrong here?
7.            Form the transpose of b using bt = b’
8.            Inspect the sizes of your workspace variables using whos.
9.            Which matrices in your workspace are compatible for multiplication?
10.         Form the products abt = a*bt and bta = bt*a
11.         Form the vector v = (1 2 3 4)
12.         Form the product v1 = vTv and v2 = vvT. NB. 
6             GRAPHING
Try the following :
-» t=0:0.25:7;
» y = sin(t);
» plot(t,y)
sin is a MatLab function.
You can copy and paste MatLab plots into MS Word. In the MatLab figure, use “Copy Figure”.  In Word, you might find that using “Paste Special”, Paste “Picture” works better. Also, it is easier to position the plot in word if you insert a textbox (Insert/textbox) and paste (or paste special) into the textbox.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB  ONLINE- HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. 
 Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:
To plot multiple curves :
-» t=0:0.25:7;
» y1=sin(t);
» y2=cos(t);
» y3=y1+y2;
» plot(t,y1,t,y2,t,y3)
You can specify line types and colours :
-» plot(t,y1,’r-‘,t,y2,’g:’,t,y3,’k-.’)
where r gives red, g green and k black and -, :, -. produce different line types. Type help plot for details
You can adjust the properties/appearance of a plot using the Tools menu :
-Tools/ Axes Properties : set title, labels, axes limits etc.
Tools/ Line Properties : adjust widths, colours and style of a selected line
Tools Text Properties : -adjust Text Property of ANY selected text (e.g. the labels of the X axis)
Other functions which you might find useful for graphing (use help for further information)
figure :- you can have multiple figure windows, each one containing  a plot
subplot :- you can have multiple plots on a single figure. Try subplot( 3,2,1)
legend :- insert a legend
hold :- normally, if you issue a plot command, it deletes any existing plot from the figure window before plotting. Typing hold on prevents this (i.e. you can add a graph to an existing plot). hold off toggles hold
You can automate Matlab by typing commands into a scriptfile. In the MatLab command window, select File/New/M-file. You can put any sequence of commands into a scriptfile and save it as, for example test (MatLab will automatically add the extension .m, saving the scriptfile as test.m). Now, if you type test at the command line, each of the commands in the scriptfile are executed in  sequence  - this will give  exactly the same result as typing each command in the command window.
Let’s illustrate by using the (simplified) script code from lecture 2 which is to graph :
-If not already open, open the MatLab Editor using File/New/Mfile
We want to plot the mathematical function   over the range [–2, 1.8]
Generate the x vector (I’m using a step size of 0.1 – you could use a smaller step size if you want)
»x = -2:0.1:1.8;
Calculate the values of y at x using the above equation
»y = x.^3 + x.^2 - 3*x - 3;
(^ means to the power of. x^3 is x*x*x        x.^3 means raise each element of x to the power of 3)
Define a vector which contains the roots of f(x) – you are given these values
»r = [-3^0.5 3^0.5 -1];
Switch hold ON – otherwise plot will get rid of existing graph
»hold on
Plot these 3 points using black (i.e. k) circles (i.e. o)
»plot(r,[0 0 0], ‘ok');
Now use Tools/ Axes/Line/text Properties to :
-1.          Insert a x label ‘x’
2.            Insert a ylabel ‘y’
3.            Insert a plot title 'Sample function for root finding : f(x) = x^3 + x^2 - 3x – 3
4.            Switch grid on
5.            Change the axes limits to x [-3 3] and y [-6 2]
When you execute a script file, it is exactly the same as typing each line at the command prompt. This means that all variables created in the scriptfile are in the workspace. Often, you don’t want this but you want to create a m-function which you pass a list of arguments and it returns one or more values – all calculations done in the m-function are local to the m-function – you cannot see these in the workspace. You can a list of the MatLab programming language constructs by typing help lang.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. 
 Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

Let’s create a m-function which when passed an x value, returns the value of  . In the MatLab editor, open a new page and type the following :
function [y] = f1(x)
y = x.^3 + x.^2 - 3*x - 3;
Now save this as f1. Matlab will automatically add the .m extension
To call this m-function at the command prompt, for example to find the value of f(9), and assign to a variable z, we type :
-» z=f1(9)
z =
Note, that f1.m will also work for vectors :
-» z=f1(-1:.5:1)
z =
         0   -1.3750   -3.0000   -4.1250   -4.0000
Of course, MatLab m-functions can have multiple arguments and multiple return values, e.g.
function [a,b,c] = nuim(x,y)
defines a m-function with 2 arguments (referred to as x, y in the m-function) and returns 3 values (referred to as a,b,c in the m-function). The variables a,b,c,x,y and any other variables in the m-function are local to the m-function – they are not seen in the workspace.

How do we call a m-function within another m-function? We have two options. Suppose we want to call f1.m within a new m-function called f2.m.
Within f2.m we can simply type
(1) z=f1(9);
This is equivalent to
(2) z = feval(‘f1’,9);
feval is a MatLab function which, in the above case, calls the m-function called f1 (note the quotes ‘f1’ is a string) and passes f1 the argument 9. With (1), the name of the m-function being called in f2.m (i.e. f1) is hard coded in f2.m, so, if we want to change the name of the f1 m-function, we have to edit the f2.m file. With (2) we can pass the name of the m-function as an argument to f2.m i.e.

function [a, b, c …] = f2(x,y,…,fun)
% Note that fun is a string
z = feval(fun,9);
Then at the command prompt we can pass the name of the f1 m-function to f2.m :
-[f, g, h, ….] = f2(d, e, …, ‘f1’);

H61NUM Laboratory Work – MATLAB Session 1 (Fourier Synthesis)
The aim of this laboratory session is to familiarise yourself with MATLAB through both use of the command line and through using script files. Just as importantly you learn how to display periodic waveforms built up through the use of Fourier Series. The lab is very strongly based on the notes for Lecture 8 – Introduction to MATLAB.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. 
 Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:

You must demonstrate the correct operation of the code for Part 2 to a demonstrator or to Dr Phillips – your name will be ticked off on theclass list when you successfully do so.

MATLAB can be launched from using the Novell Application Launcher (NAL) (look in “School & Departmental” and then “Electrical Engineering”). Launch “Matlab R12” not “Matlab”.
Part 1
Perform the command line exploration detailed in the Lecture notes. It is given (without description) below:
Note: After every line (no exception!) press ENTER. Observe what happens, if anything.

a = 4
a = -7;
A = 2;
a = [1 2 3 7 9]
b = [2; 3; 7; 6; 1]
b = [2;
b = [2 3 7 6 1]’
A = [4 5 6; 3 7 9; 1 1 7]
B = [4 5 6;
3 7 9;
1 1 7]
i = sqrt(-1)
z = 3+i*6
for k=2:0.1:3
clear A

Part 2
Your objective is to produce a commented MATLAB script file (.m file) which, when run, generates a square wave x(t) from the following Fourier Series representation (summation of sine waves):

You should display the resulting waveform after the addition of each successive (odd) frequency component (of which there will be ntot), that is you should be able to observe your waveform becoming more and more square-like as the script runs. Make use of pause to wait for the user to hit a key between each waveform displayed or pause(2) to wait for 2 seconds between waveforms. Make sure you understand how to do both.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. Format bimbingannya tugas-tugas yang bisa membantu Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI
Bimbingan dilakukan secara online bisa lewat WA atau email
 Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:
Use a value T = 2 s for the period and a time range of -4t4 with points spaced by dt = 0.01 s. Experiment with ntot but demonstrate your working code with ntot = 10.

Repeat for the triangle wave given by:

Remember that when you have done both square wave and triangle wave you should please show your working script files to a demonstrator or Dr Phillips.

Use the MATLAB script files in Examples 1 to 5 from the Lecture as a starting point. You need not go through them in order (though please do look at Example 3 before you finish, to ensure that you understand subplots) – if you are feeling fairly confident after glancing through Examples 1-4 then you can start with Example 5 which performs the summation

over the range between t = - and t = , with points every dt = /100
and plots each new waveform out as i increments by one. Be careful when you use the example file as you might find it helpful to change the names of some variables (as well as other modifications).

NB Example 5 only plots the sum waveform at the end, whilst in the for loop it plots the sine waves that are being added. You are asked to plot the resulting waveform after each new component added, which means changing & moving the ‘plot’ in the for loop.

If you are using the correct version of MATLAB you should be able to edit your script file in MATLAB’s own M-file editor. You should also be able to run using the Run option from the Debug menu in the M-file editor.
Kami ada di Jakarta Selatan. KAMI MEMBERIKAN KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.  Kami membuka kursus Matlab untuk pemula dan mahasiswa atau insinyur yang ingin memperdalam Matlab dan menerapkan dalam bidang teknikal, engineering, rekayasa, dsb. Format bimbingannya tugas-tugas yang bisa membantu Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI
Bimbingan dilakukan secara online bisa lewat WA atau email
 Dijamin Bisa, atau bisa mengulang kembali. Kami juga dapat membantumembuatkan aplikasi atau program matlab/lainnya. Anda akan dilatih oleh Tim Profesional - HUBUNGI MASTER ENGINEERING EXPERT (MEE) 081219449060.   Email:
If for some reason you are using the alternative (older) version of MATLAB your script files (.m files) will probably be edited and displayed in Notepad. In that situation to successfully run a script file you need to know what directory it is in and then ensure that directory is MATLAB’s working directory. To find out what this the working directory is currently set to, enter:
To change the working directory/folder to say F:\myfiles (enter your own path here) enter:
cd F:\myfiles                                         (check that you’ve done so correctly by entering cd again)
To find out what files are available within the working directory you can enter dir
To run the script file simply type its name (without the .m extension), for example to run eg5.m enter
eg5 (there is no need to type ‘run’ before it) or alternatively use the Run M-File option from the File menu in the Matlab Command Window
H61NUM Laboratory Work – MATLAB Session 2 (FFT)
The aim of this laboratory session is to familiarise yourself with the use of FFT for frequency analysis in MATLAB. The lab is based on the notes for Lecture 9 - Frequency Analysis (using FFT) in Matlab.
You must demonstrate the correct operation of the code for Part C to a demonstrator or Dr Phillips – your name will be ticked off on a class list when you successfully do so.

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