Selasa, 13 Januari 2015

Visualising 2D Arrays in Matlab - KURSUS MATLAB ONLINE Skripsi, Tesis, DISERTASI 081219449060

19.2       Visualising 2D Arrays in Matlab
• One common view of 2D arrays is:
-              a series of numbered boxes
-              boxes are arranged into rows and columns and are numbered on that basis
-              each box may hold a single data value
-              each particular box is addressed by using its row and column number
-              the collection of boxes together has the name of the array
19.3       Visualising 2D Arrays Example
• For example a table of network traffic collected hourly over several days:

-              the array (matrix) is called traffic
-              it has 7 rows (corresponding to the days of the week), and 24 columns (corresponding to the hours of the day)
-              hence it has 168 elements
- element number (2,23) [row 2, column 23] contains the value 11.8
19.4       Creation
• Creation of 2D arrays follows the same principles as for vectors:
- square brackets
- spaces or commas to separate values on a row
-              semi-colon or <returns> to separate rows
• For example:
>>  square2 = [ 1 2 ; 3 4]
square2 =
     1     2
     3     4
19.5       Creation Example
>>  firstLine = 1:5
firstLine =
     1     2     3     4     5
>> secondLine = 6:10
secondLine =
     6     7     8     9    10
>> rect2 = [firstLine ; secondLine]
rect2 =
     1     2     3     4     5
     6     7     8     9    10
>>  rect5 = rect2'
rect5 =
     1     6
     2     7
     3     8
     4     9
     5    10
>> diary off
19.6       Mathematics of Matrices
• Mathematical operations with matrices follow the rules previously presented for vectors:
-              operations with scalars are applied individually to elements of the matrix
-              operations involving two matrices follow the mathematical definition for that operation on two matrices
-              special “dot” operators have been provided to allow element by element operations for two matrices
• For example:
>> square2
square2 =
     1     2
     3     4
>> 2-square2
ans =
     1     0
    -1    -2
>> 10*square2
ans =
10    20
30    40
19.7       Mathematics Example
>> long=[square2 square2*10 square2(:,1)*100]
long =
     1     2    10    20   100
     3     4    30    40   300
>> rect2
rect2 =
     1     2     3     4     5
     6     7     8     9    10
>> sum = long+rect2
sum =
     2     4    13    24   105
     9    11    38    49   310
>> 2.^square2
ans =
     2     4
     8    16

Mathematics Example (Cont)
>> rect5
rect5 =
     1     6
     2     7
     3     8
     4     9
     5    10
>> rect2*rect5
ans =
    55   130
   130   330
>> rect5*rect2
ans =
    37    44    51    58    65
    44    53    62    71    80
    51    62    73    84    95
    58    71    84    97   110
    65    80    95   110   125
>> long./rect2
ans =
    1.0000    1.0000    3.3333    5.0000   20.0000
    0.5000    0.5714    3.7500    4.4444   30.0000
>> long/rect2
ans =
   29.2400   -7.6400
   85.7200  -22.7200

Mathematics Example (Cont)
>> format short g
>> long.^rect2
ans =
            1            4         1000      1.6e+05        1e+10
          729        16384    6.561e+11   2.6214e+14   5.9049e+24
>> diary off
19.8       Addressing & Manipulation
• Elements of a matrix are specified using:
-              name of the matrix and circle brackets
-              row and column number(s) (separated by comma) of elements to be addressed.
• For example:
>> ex1 = [1 4 7; 2 5 8; 3 6 9]
ex1 =
     1     4     7
     2     5     8
     3     6     9
>> ex2 = ex1'
ex2 =
     1     2     3
     4     5     6
     7     8     9
>> ex2(2,3)
ans =
>> ex1(2,3)
ans =
19.9       Addressing & Manipulation Example
>> ex1(2,2)=-5
ex1 =
     1     4     7
     2    -5     8
     3     6     9
>> ex1(2,5) = -5
ex1 =
     1     4     7     0     0
     2    -5     8     0    -5
     3     6     9     0     0
>> ex1(:,4)=[10 11 12]
???  In an assignment  A(:,matrix) = B, the number of elements in the subscript of A and the number
of columns in B must be the same.

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